Tuesday, September 4, 2012

#2 - Be Kind

Hello, Family!  I love you, I love you, I love you!!

I am writing this from the laundry room in the MTC, because this is the only place with computers you can send pictures on- so hopefully it works!  It better work, because this place (the laundry room) is basically like Satan's house.  It is hot.  People are angry.  There are not enough washers.  Not every place in the MTC is a bunch a roses.

So I wrote down some things I wanted to tell you about this week!  Here goes the list, we'll see if we can get it all down!
- Every single door here has to be opened with these little card keys, and you can buy these little holder things to clip on your clothes.  They are all the rage.  Our elders call them "batman utility belts."  So we all just walk around being superheroes!
- I kept up a family tradition this past week and got sick at the MTC.  Sweet lil' Elder Gervasi got some nasty cold/flu thing, so we all got it.  It was not fun.  But I'm feeling better, and I was glad to carry on our treasured family tradition.
- Soeur Barker and I actually had the weird opportunity to escape the MTC last Thursday!  Her foot was bothering her, so we took a shuttle to the podiatrist a mile away.  I'd only been here a week, and it was already weird to leave campus.  They had music going in the doctor's office, and that was super weird.  There is no music here, only the hymns you sing.  So a little Michael Buble was strange and also very wonderful.  Maybe that's bad to say, but it really was nice.  And Soeur Barker just needs to buy better shoes, so no worries.
- We are teaching two "investigators" right now.  The big surprise of the MTC is that you start teaching an investigator your first week, and then the second week you find out he's actually your second teachers.  They're all a bunch of sneaky moms over here.  So I have two great teachers now!  I really am so, so grateful for both of them- they're very patient and kind.  Teaching is extremely hard, seeing's how it's in French, but it's great.  
- Gym time is the greatest thing in the world.  In my previous non-missionary life, I would never want to just up and go running in the middle of the day because you get all sweaty and nasty.  Here, I don't even care.  Take another shower.  Doesn't matter.  It really is super important to use gym time so you can burn off some of the stress and energy.  I've mostly just been running laps around the track every day, and it's very nice.  I got to run with Sister Thompson, my roommate from Freshman year the other day, and that was SO great!  A little reminder that this is still real life.  

- I had a huge realization this week.  We were talking about baptism, and one elder made the comment that getting in the water is not the important thing.  The reason the ordinance of baptism is important is that it's a commitment.  The water and clothes and whatnot- those are beautiful symbols of what we're doing.  They're important because they remind us of things and make it formal and authorized, but the point is the promise.  It changed the way I few my purpose as a missionary.  Baptisms do matter, because baptisms are covenants, people coming closer to Christ.
- Can someone please let me know what the nutrition facts are on cottage cheese?  I'm eating a lot of it these days, and I'd like to know what it's doing to me.
- The other day in mission conference, one of the mission presidency members got the hiccups in his talk.  He was embarrassed, but I thought it was kind of nice.  Even people as wise and respected as MTC presidency members get the hiccups.  And it's okay.
- Preach My Gospel is THE BEST!  My testimony is growing so much from reading it and looking up the scripture references.  It is such beautiful writing.  It really is inspired- the way things are worded are so concise and understandable, but they leave room for pondering and learning.  And when you look up scriptures in the BOM and Bible, it really testifies that the doctrines of the gospel are true and eternal.  I am learning to love scripture study.

- Here is an important thing I've learned here, something I hope I remember the rest of my life- never, ever judge missionaries who come home early.  This is not for the faint of heart.  Absolutely every priesthood holder should make every effort to go on a mission, but if you run into someone who's come home early, you know what you should do?  Be kind.  Just be kind and loving, and don't spend another minute worrying about why they came home.  I can now see that there might be very valid reasons, and it would be harder to come home than to leave, so let's all be kind.
- I am beginning to learn what it means to rely on the Lord.  This past week I was kind of a freak, stressing out about everything.  Really, really stressing out.  And I prayed for help, and then I got an overwhelming answer from many different sources:  Calm. Down. Calm down and stop thinking you have to do everything on your own.  You can't do anything on your own, so enjoy and rely on that at-one-ment you have with a loving, all-powerful Savior.
- Pictures: Temple walk on Sunday, outside "The Map," inside our classroom/home, and some companion lovin'! 
-I love being a missionary!  Life is beautiful, love you a lot!