Tuesday, December 17, 2013

#69 - Peace and Love

Ia ora na, family! For my greeting this week I would like to quote a song I learned on Q92:
"You're the meaning in my life, you're the inspiraaaation... you bring feeling to my life, you're the inspiraaaation!"

Yesterday was a happy, happy, blissful day!  In fact, there were many happy moments this week.  Yesterday was particularly fanstastic because it was our mission Christmas get-together, and they actually brought in ALL the missionaries, from all the islands, and we got to see every single pal with a badge in French Polynesia.  It was truly Christmas.  Something swell is that our MTC group has really just gotten more and more unified over time.  Even while some of us have been out roughin' it in the middle of the ocean, we still have a tight-knit little group, and eating mashed potatoes and stuffing (thank you, couple missionaries) and laughing about MTC memories was one of the cheeriest moments I've had in a while.  It was so good to see each other and see that these missionaries really have become better people over this year.  Still the same funny personalities and stuff, still the same people, but definitely a little better.  I love, love the missionaries in my mission.  Another thought from that- stuff that was not funny in the MTC, like little points of contention and friction, is definitely funny now.  Everything's fine after the fact.  Hard to remember in the moment, but it's true.

Also, this week we got to go to the Temple. I can say with no hesitation that I know the Temple is the House of The Lord.  I felt truly like I was in another spot that isn't here in the middle of the world.  It is a sacred place, and the ordinances performed there are real and true.  Interesting too that last year I felt like a was going to die a little bit after leaving because I was still so stressed and worried about this whole being-a-missionary thing, and this year I was happy to get back to work.  Things get better with time.

Mom and Grandma- I got your Christmas packages, they both arrived safe and sound.  Thank you!!  

Now I would just like to let you know about Soeur Morgan Taylor, who was in the bike accident last week.  I know that there must be lots of people where we live that are aching for her and thinking a lot about her.  I don't know enough details about her condition to say anything on that because I don't want to give false information, but I can tell you that this island has been sending up thousands and thousands of prayers for her.  Our mission fasted together for her, and yesterday we all said a kneeling prayer together for her.  The members here love her so much, and everyone asks about her wherever we go.

I actually had the rare chance to get to visit her in the hospital, which I think was a tender mercy from Heavenly Father so I could let some fellow Cache Valley people know that I have seen her, and that she is being taken care of.  Seeing her was actually a very spiritual experience.  We saw her Sunday afternoon, and she was in a coma while we talked to her, but it was good to be in the room with her and let her know she is loved.  Afterwords Soeur Chytraus and I said a prayer for her, and I felt an enormous peace fill me up.  I'm sending all my love and prayers to her family and all the people in Cache Valley who love her.  What an incredibly hard thing.  I can't imagine how her family must be hurting and worrying.  I do know, and I felt so clearly with her, that it will be okay.  Heavenly Father is in control, He loves her, and He will take care of her and her loved ones.

I love you all dearly.  Thank you for being in my beautiful life.
All my love, 
Soeur Mann