Tuesday, September 24, 2013

#57 - A Wonderful Story

Hi, guys!  I love you!

I only have time to tell one story today, but it's a wonderful story. This morning I woke up really early just by coincidence, like 5 AM'ish, and I noticed something wonderful.  The usual wretched chorus of  a million chickens squawking their beaks off was not happening.  Instead, I could only hear the sound of rain hitting the roof. For once in their lives, the chickens shut their beaks.  And from that blissful moment on, this day has been fabulous.  I guess chickens don't squawk when it rains?  

But wait, that is only the beginning, because afterwords it got even better, much better.  So everyday we go running down to the harbor and look at all the big ships out in the bay and it is the best way to wake up in the world.  But throw in the fact that it is down-pouring rain, and the whole thing just gets infinitely more fun.  We ran in the rain today!  Not just ran, but danced and splashed and thrived in the beautiful, water-covered town of Papeete, Tahiti.  No one was out, so I ran into the middle of the city plaza, laid on the pavement, and let the rain hit me.  Is that appropriate for a missionary to do?  It is if the only people around are some maintenance workers, I say.  And then I ran over to the boardwalk because for the first time, one of the boats was pulled up right next to the harbor- within touching-distance.  So I ran up and smacked that boat with a big high-five!  It came all the way here from Kingston, Jamaica!  And then I tap danced in the water, and I wanted to jump into the ocean so, so bad cuz the sky and the ocean looked like one big huge same gray, pretty thing, but I didn't jump in cuz I am obedient.  But I may as well have for how drenched I was.

Oh, it was beautiful.  Such an invigorating, change of pace, happy, alive moment.  There are such good, surprising moments that pop up sometimes.  When I got back home I thought about how Mom and Dad sometimes just do the coolest things like taking us to Imogene Heap concerts by surprise or picking up donuts just for fun.  Heavenly Father is our Father, too.  Sometimes He just gives us plain old great things, simply because He loves us and He wants us to be happy.  I love Him, and I love you, and I love life.  It is beautiful!

With all my heart,
Soeur Mann