Tuesday, September 17, 2013

#56 - The truth is, we are all just trying.

Hello, good people of the earth!  I am still here on this island, you are all still where you are, and we all still love each other!  Hoorah!  

I don't feel like writing a real-life letter, I feel like just saying whatever I want to say.  You guys can just pretend we're all sitting down at the table eating Mom's stir-fry, and I'm doing my rambling thing.

- The other day day we tried to make cookies to take to our Relief Society to inspire them through sweets to do missionary work.  It was such an ordeal.  It was so hard to find ingredients.  We ended up making cupcakes.  Also an ordeal.  It was literally the first time I have turned an oven on in a year.  And you guys know how I am in the kitchen.  But in the end, things worked out, and things in that ward are seriously picking up.  Sometimes you just have to be a little creative about the tactic.

- Our garage is situated in literally the worst-planned little driveway area ever.  You basically back up into a wall.  When we first moved in, I thought I was doomed.  I had to do 20-point turn-about things every single morning to get the car out of the garage, and it was so frustrating.  Now I back up in one clean swipe, no turn-abouts necessary.  With time and thinking and practicing, seriously everything gets easier.  We are never doomed.

- I love to wear Soeur Green's clothes.  I'm sending a picture of our activity earlier today- my companion and I made tarts with one of our wonderful investigators, Ranitea.  The one picture is of her and her home and a little neighbor child climbing on the roof.  Kids here spend time on their roofs.  I feel like the King family could appreciate that.  I just want to bring those kids some saltines, ranch and a newspaper.  The second photo is me and my beautiful, fantastic companion, Soeur Bradshaw and Ranitea.  I love my companion more and more every day.  And also, I am wearing Soeur Green's clothes in it. We all just share clothes now.  Don't even have to ask if you can borrow it.  True sisters!

- Had a beautiful lesson last night with a humble, good person.  We found her just by awkwardly opening our mouths and trying to talk.  Sometimes our conversations are so inspired, and sometimes they are kinda choppy, heartfelt, not-so-great efforts.  We just saw this couple walking out of a little store and were basically like, "Hi! Uh, we're missionaries!... Do you want to talk to us?"  Good news is, Heavenly Father helps out when we aren't so pro.  We set up a lesson and last night we went over.  Their home is a tiny little wood house on stilts, and they have no electricity.  The wife stayed and talked to us, and it was one of the best conversations I've had on my mission.  Something I am getting better at (besides the occasional awkward first contact) is realizing that this whole thing is just people, and we are just talking about real stuff.  I'm kinda ditching the outline I feel like I always follow and really trying to speak by the Spirit, and when you just talk to someone sincerely, you end up telling them all the important stuff anyway.  She felt the Spirit touch her heart, and so did we.  Just a quiet, good conversation among the banana trees.

- I got Grandma's letter that said Mike and Trina are buying a new house!  I hope they save their old house for me.  I've always loved that home.  I actually think of it when I think of my future home, complete with all the nice photos and pillows and books.  That will be odd to come home and go somewhere different!  I might cry, like I cried when Grandma got new cabinets in her kitchen.  Just kiddin'.  I handle change a little better now.  :)  

- And speaking of Trina and co., I would just like to say that I love our family so very much.  All of them.  I hope I get some pictures soon of all the cousins, 'cuz that's what I most want to see.

- The other night one of our recent converts asked us to come over and he told us that he had messed up.  He was heartbroken, because for the first time since his baptism, he really felt like he'd done something bad.  He started apologizing to us because he thought we would be so disappointed and mad at him.  Well, first of all, no one really is supposed to confess anything to the missionaries.  But I understood that he just needed to get it out, and he was so full of regret and embarrassment   And my heart just filled up with love.  Not even one drop of, "How could you do that?  We've worked so hard with you!  How could you fall back into that?!"  Not one drop.  All I felt was the pure love that comes from someone who knows exactly how it feels to fall into bad habits over and over, and to continually rely on the Savior to get back out.  We all are the same.  I just felt nothing but compassion.  Later we talked about it in the car, and I just marveled at the fact that my companion had also had the same experiences.  The truth is, we are all just trying.  What a beautiful, crazy, perfect plan.  Father just put us all here to try together.  We are all just figuring this out, and when we are doing good, we have to lend a hand.  And when we are doing bad, we need to let our brothers and sisters pull us back up.  And the Savior, and only the Savior, can really heal all. I love Him.

I love you all with all my heart, forever and ever!
Life is beautiful.
Soeur Mann

(Editor's Note: Sorry, we didn't get the second picture she talks about.)