Tuesday, July 30, 2013

#49 - Missing You Means I Love You

Hi, guys!  I would like to say something.  I still miss you guys really bad.  I love you a lot.  Sometimes I wonder if I'm a freak missionary or something 'cuz I still miss you all really a lot.  I don't know.  Luckily I do love these people a lot, too, and I love it more and more.  'Cuz otherwise this would not be fun.  But I do love it.  And I guess it's okay to still miss you, 'cuz it means I still love you.

'Cuz what Im going to go do in an hour?  Have family home evening with President Hinckley's daughter!  I don't really get it, either!  I don't know why it's happening, but it's happening, and we are bringing some of our investigators  too.  It's at our mission presidents house, and its going to be a lovely event. 

Today I was thinking how weird it is that we can swim.  We are not even water creatures.  Really think how amazing that is that we can stay alive in a bunch of water.  And I thought about how life is like swimming.  Here we are, stuck in the middle of life.  And the trick is to keep moving.  You can float for a little while, but if you want to get anywhere, you have to keep moving.  Constantly.  A mission is the most exhausting experience of my life.  Sometimes I just sit there and think..."Oh my goodness.  I'm still not gonna rest for another 7 months."  But you know, I have learned that I can always keep going.  You can always wake up at 6:30 and go running, no matter how tired you are.  Before my mission I would have had some sleep in days, but I have never once hit the snooze button.  I'm learning that its possible to keep going.  But it is absolutely, 100% thanks to the Spirit, thanks to the help of the Savior.  If you keep praying, you really can do all things.  You just gotta keep movin'.

I hate to ask this, really truly.  But my running shoes are dead.  Its kind of hurting my knees to run in them.  The other day I thought, How could they already be shot?  I just barely bought these for my mission!  And then I realized that was almost a year ago.  Is there anyway you could send me some?  If its ridiculously expensive, don't worry.  And don't worry about buying any fancy woohoo.  I know I'm all picky about shoes, but I'm not while I'm in Tahiti.  Size 7.  Thank you so, so much.

Also, can you guys write me some handwritten letters?  I would like to have your testimonies written down so I can hold them.

I love our Father in Heaven so much.  He loves us, no matter what we do. 

I truly love you all with all my heart. I thank our Savior for His Atonement, for fulfilling His mission so that we could all live this wonderful plan of happiness.  I love Jesus Christ.  I'm glad I get to wear His name every day.

All my love, 
Soeur Mann

P.S.  Today as we were washing the car, there was a leak in the hose.  It was spraying me like a sprinkler, and I loved it.  It was like Millzie's birthday weekend should be - sprinkler party!  Tradition!