Tuesday, May 21, 2013

#40 - Things Just Get Better and Better

Bonjour, Bonjour!

Everyone just sit there and look at this next phrase for a second: I love you.

Really, let that sink into you.  I love you so much.  I am so thankful for my family and friends. 

Things just get better and better every day on my mission.  I am just grateful down to my bones for the gift I have to be here.  My soul is growing every day.  Here are some of the updates:

- I believe in fasting.  We have seen actual miracles happening in our area lately due to fasting.  Kevin, a great young man who, for months, hasn't had the courage to ask his mom if he can take missionary lessons suddenly up and talked to her the day after we fasted for him.  Tapakia, who was struggling with enormous family issues, let us know that everything had calmed down after we fasted.  Marius, who has followed lessons for maybe a year but never accepts the Joseph Smith story, actually stood up and embraced the member who came with us because the conversation went so well and he felt the Spirit.  And Michel, who felt like he was not going to make it to his baptismal date, is feeling happy and hopeful and on-track.  I have come to love this commandment of fasting, and I am learning that humble, sincere fasting brings miracles.  Its such a tiny, tiny sacrifice we make, but God blesses us immensely when we are willing to make it.  It is basically just a big, huge prayer.  And day by day, I love praying more and more.  It is real.  It is beyond our comprehension, yet it is simple.  I know with all my heart that we can talk to God and that He listens.
- I love my area to death.  Today for p-day we were out of our area, and when we came back it was like, Ahhh.  Home sweet home.
- But p-day was SO fun.  It was the first p-day I have had where it was actually calm and relaxed.  It felt so weird.  Seriously the first time in 9 months where I felt... normalish.  And that was weird.  We just went to this park in Tipaerue and spent three hours there happily looking at the ocean, walking along the boardwalk, looking at exotic fish, and chatting it up.  I felt so blessed and peaceful.  And then, here's the real kicker, we went to McDonalds and got McFlurries.  So very, very good for the soul.  
- I am becoming a morning person.  I know.  First I eat fish, then I start talking in the morning.  Like I wake up and I just jump right outta bed and say, Bonjour!  It is so odd.  But those are not the only things that are changing in me.  There are little things like that, but there are also deeper things that are happening in my heart, and it really is joyful.  I read today that Christ is the great Refiner.  I love this word.  I love the idea of being refined.  Sometimes the mission deeeefinitely feels like a refiners fire.  Its all hot and burny and uncomfortable, and you gotta push through it, and then you look back once it's over, and your heart feels pure and polished and clean, and all you can really do is thank Heavenly Father because it was absolutely worth it.  
- I cannot believe Amelia is learning Spanish.  Oh what a hilarious joke!  Surprise!  Ha ha!  Don't worry, Pillser!  If anyone can do it, its you.  Just keep prayin'.  I love you so much.  
- Another phrase I love- "Working out our salvation."  Yeah.  I love that.  
- The more I study the gospel, the more I just thirst to understand more.  It is endlessly fascinating!  Life is just interesting- isn't that enough to make us very, very happy?  Just the fact that we get to keep learning and understanding things better.  Learning is wonderful.
- I love the Savior.  Taking moments to truly ponder about Him is the most healing thing we can do.  I mean it.  Sometimes we look everywhere but Him, when in reality He is The Source.  If you need help, its time to study the Atonement and think about it.  Because it's real.  I can say that because I'm living it.  
Are you all sharing the gospel with everyone you can?  Because it's the most important thing we can do.  
- I love, love, love you all!  Life really is beautiful!  Happy week!
- Soeur Mann