Monday, April 22, 2013

#36 - I Love Being A Missionary!

Hello, family!  I only have time to tell you a few things:

1.  I love you forever and ever and so very, very much.

2.  I truly, truly love being a missionary.  This week was the best yet of my mission.  We are catching the vision.  I love these people with all my heart.  I can feel my thoughts and my heart  and my prayers changing- with everything in me, I want these wonderful people I'm teaching to become converted.  I want them to have this joy and peace and goodness.  I love serving.  Here's a fact of life I'm learning; If you're not serving someone else, you're not doing anything cool at all.  So go serve.

3.  I am going to train a new missionary!  An American!  She gets here tonight!  Wahooooo!  Soeur Colombel will still be with us, too!  Hoorah!  

Sorry for this short li'l letter!  

Please include our investigators in your prayers.

I love life. It is so beautiful. 

All my love,
Soeur Mann