Tuesday, April 9, 2013

#34 - Lots of Help

Hi, folks!  I love you.  I really do.  There is just no way to ever say how much I love you.  I still miss you.  Sorry if that's bad.  I love you so very, very much!

Alright, first of all, Conference. Was. So. Wonderful.  I got to watch conference in English!  Yes, it just so happens that our chapel had a little hubbub for the people who speak English, like people who have gone to BYU Hawaii or whatnot and wanted to watch in English!  There were just a handful of us and three other American elders, and we watched it in a classroom at the church.  Here is what conference felt like: It felt like the time when our Mann family was doing our Preston campout up at Willow Flats and we hiked to those springs above the campground.  Maybe it was just because I was little, but I remember thinking that hike was so hot and dusty and long, and when we got to the springs, the water was so cold and fresh and yummy, and I drank it up like a little puppy until my belly was all full of water.  That is how conference felt- like that delicious, refreshing water.  I felt the Spirit - all the feelings of peace, comfort, joy, light, confidence, inspiration- all of that was just filling me up through all the sessions.  The feeling I had was just undeniable- all those words, all those principles, they are true. It is so good, the gospel.  It is true.

I particularly loved Elder Holland's talk.  Like...duh.  So did everyone.  But his message seriously spoke right to my heart, and its something I want to live for the rest of my life.  Be true to what you know.  Always prioritize what you know and believe before the questions and doubts that will inevitably come.  He said something like, "The size of your faith is not the issue here, it is the integrity you give to what you do know," or something close to that.  How reassuring.  I have learned very well on my mission that perfectionism simply does not exist in the human sphere.  We are constantly growing.  We are constantly striving.  We are never, ever perfect.  I am still constantly asking, "Am I enough?  Is my faith enough?  Can I actually do this?"  And how beautifully sweet is was to hear an apostle of Christ say, "It is enough."  It is enough to know that Christ lives and loves us, and that His Atonement is real.  Those things I know.  And because of that, all is well.  His talk had a strong correlation to President Monson's talk- Obedience brings more understanding, more truth.  As we stick to what we know and live it, we acquire more and more understanding.  But we must first be obedient.  

Yesterday I had a really cool conversation with an investigator named M.  He is thirty five and still single, despite the fact that he is very nice and swell.  I loved our conversation because it didn't feel at all forced or formal or weird- he just stepped outside to take out the trash and we happened to be there and we ended up talking through the gate for about thirty minutes.  He's feelin' all down in the dumps lately because he thinks he doesn't have anything to show for his life and he doesn't know where to find happiness.  He was talking all about how life is nothing but challenges and letdowns and whatnot, and you know what I got to say to him?  "No, Moana!  Life is beautiful!"  It really is!  When you know that you are a child of God and that He loves you and has a plan for you and that Christ will help you do all things- life is beautiful!  

- Last night I was on splits and we were on our way out of the car to see an inactive member.  A, my temporary companion, warned me that the dogs in the neighborhood are super mean and scary.  And there he was.  A ferocious-looking pitbull along with his two little friends, just staring me right in the face.  So I slooowly opened my door, and then I thought, "Hey, I will make this like Daniel and the lions den," and I said a prayer, and I am not kidding, those nasty creatures just took one more look, and slinked back through their little hole in the fence without a single bark.  
- This picture is of my funny friends, the Ariitai crew.  H, the one on the far left, is just too funny.  I love going to their house!  Tonight we are going over to spend the last of our P-day teaching them to make Oreo truffles, then we are having family home evening.  They are working on learning "I Am a Child of God" in English.
- The other night I just went and stood on the balcony and looked out at the town and said out loud, "You all live in Tahiti, and so do I!" and then I blew them all a kiss and went to bed.  And there was something very satisfying about that.
- My skin is getting so bad that people are making comments on it.  The only thing I can do about it is be happy that I'm not dating right now.
- C, K, and D, if you read this:  Guess what my companion bought?  The EXACT same cherry car air freshener that K had in her car!  I am in Tahiti, and I am STILL driving around in a giant cherry sucker!  
- You can pray all day long if you want.
- I HATE backing up the car.  I can't take it anymore.  The streets are so narrow and bumpy and crazy, and I always find myself trying to back up in these horribly tight, impossible little areas, and my companion has to get out and guide me, cuz its a rule, but its not just her, there are usually like four to six other people surrounding the car trying to tell me what to do.  Remember how I maybe have a little (lot) of driving anxiety?  The other day there were like five drunk men standing there drying to direct me.  One of them called me, "girlfriend," which did lighten the situation a bit, cuz I found that kind of funny.  But thank heavens, our investigator, Papi M, finally walked up to the side of the car and quietly, calmly guided me, walking alongside me and talking through the window.  I was  so thankful for his little rescue.  I am becoming a celebrity in certain neighborhoods for this reoccurring catastrophe.
- Amelia, I didn't have time to write you a true letter this week, but I want to say that I LOVE YOU!  I can't believe you are comps with your already-friend!  Give her a hug for me!  Don't forget that you can bring treats to TALL time to make it more fun.  I actually loved TALL time.  Keep being brave, lil one!  We are doing this together!

Life is beautiful!  Heavenly Father is love.  And we all are, just doing this little earth thing for awhile.  Let's live it well this week!

All my love, 

Soeur Mann