Friday, March 15, 2013

#30 - Big, Fat Eel

Bonjour, Family!  I love you forever!

- I am SO SO excited because Elder Watson, one of the general authorities of this area, is coming on Monday for a big huge conference with all the missionaries!  And who is this Elder Watson?  Why, it is my very own great uncle!  I seriously am so excited to see him!  My own flesh and blood, right here in Tahiti with me!  I asked if I could have ten minutes to talk to him, so I will let you know how that goes.  Plus I will see Soeur Green!  Monday is going to be splendid!

- Mom, that thought you sent me last week about resilience- I don't think I told you how much that meant to me.  I thought about it all week, and it helped me so much.  I didn't realize that it came from this month’s Ensign, so I was so surprised when my companion was looking through this month's Liahona and pointed out this article on resilience- the same one!  I read the whole thing, and I just soaked it in.  I love this concept of resilience.  It's so weird because I have been trying to pinpoint what it is exactly that I have learned or changed so far on the mission, and I think that is the word.  Facing trials with faith.  Moving forward with hope.  Accepting mistakes.  Learning patiently.  Resilience. 
    The other morning during companionship study, I was starting to have some familiar feelings creep up.  In talking about the day ahead of us and what I needed to do, and things I need to improve and all that, I started to feel anxiety and stress and doubt bubbling up in my heart, and my little eyeballs starting getting all wet with tears and my breathing started getting all fast, but you know what I did?  I said, "No!"  Out-loud, actually!  No, no, no!  I will not cry, I will not be discouraged; I will not be scared of work today.  The thought that came to my mind came from 2 Nephi 4- "I know in whom I have trusted.  My God hath been my support."
    I have been here long enough to learn that God really is here.  I have passed through enough experiences where I thought it would never work out and it did.  I have felt the grace of Christ push me through difficulty and I trust Him now.  I know "I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me."  I know that.  I am learning that you have to be patient and gracious and just move through life one day at a time, and it really does work out.  Heavenly Father really helps us.
- I noticed something.  Every time Christ heals someone, He commands them to do something. When he heals the man confined to his bed, He tells him to stand up and walk.  When He raises Lazareth from the dead, He commands him to come forth.  Even when He calms the ocean, He says, "Be still."  Be.  I’m learning that we are nothing without the grace of Christ.  I mean it.  But progression, healing, faith- they all require so much work.  It is us, who must stand up, come forth, be something.  
- Food update!  I ate EEL!  In shishkabob form!  And I ate three shishkabobs cuz it was delicious!  Not even sarcastic!  A big fat eel that the Papi caught in the river!  
- I might get transferred!  President called and asked if I know how to drive stick shift.  When I responded, "No," he just said that I will have to use all my faith to learn how to drive stick-shift real soon    ...uh...  Okay!  Faith!
- Whenever I feel disconnected from God or not real in tune with Him, I think about you guys.  I think about how much I love you and how deeply glad I am to be sealed to you.  And then I can say a very sincere prayer of gratitude.  And I feel love for Him and the Spirit enters my heart.

I love you all with all my heart!
Happy week!