Tuesday, February 26, 2013

#28 - Miracles

Hello, dearest loved ones!
I love you!

The picture I'm sending this week is one I took of a tropical calendar hanging in one of the member's homes... oh wait, no it's not.  It's just the view across the street.  Can you believe that?  Luckiest girl alive.

Alright, folks, I'm just going to jump right into my thoughts because this is something I've been thinking about a lot.  And that thing is miracles.

I believe in them.  I believe in miracles with all my heart.  But I have been thinking about how I define them and how I recognize them.

The greatest objective of God is our immortality and eternal life.  His whole purpose is that we become.  We're His children, and our destiny really is to grow up and become like our Heavenly Father.  That's why He created this big plan for us, and that's His sole purpose- to allow us and help us to progress and change and become.

I have been thinking about the miracle of our personal progression.  It is truly the grandest, greatest miracle of all.  Changing water into wine or bread into stones- that's amazing.  But taking a prideful, doubtful, selfish soul and shaping it into a humble, faithful, loving soul- that is a miracle.  It is the most extraordinary, beautiful process in the universe.

Sometimes I think we ask for miracles from God expecting that He will do something quick, fast, and easy.  It’s like that quote- sometimes we ask the Lord to move the mountain, expecting that when we say amen, the mountain will disappear, but instead, we're handed a shovel. And sometimes we are disappointed when the "miracle" doesn't happen; thinking that He didn't listen or that we didn't have enough faith or something.

In reality, if we are obedient and listening and humble, we will see God is always in the process of His greatest miracle- shaping us.  If things take time, if they are hard, if they are frustrating, maybe it is because God is trying to do something much, much more important than the small thing you asked for.

I trust Heavenly Father.  I know the He will always do what is best for us if we are willing to yield to it and look for it.  And you know what's wonderful?  Sometimes, because He is our Father and He loves us, He gives us the tiny miracles, too.  Sometimes he turns the stones into bread or sends us a breathtaking sunset across the street.  Because He knows we need those things, too, and He is kind.

The gospel is true, and life is beautiful.

All my love, 

Soeur Mann