Tuesday, February 19, 2013

#27 - Heart Beats

Hi, Fam!

Man, I LOVE you.  I love you!  I love you!  I love you!  I'm so happy we are a family!
I am emailing tonight instead of tomorrow because we have zone conference tomorrow and won't have the time.  So surprise!  You are all sleeping in your little beds right now.  Sweet dreams!

I loved, loved, loved the pictures you sent!  Oh, life is good!  Just walk that little Lizzie girl and keep having parties in Millzie's room!

I am sending a beautiful picture.  This is the Pambrun Family.  The man in the middle with the short grayish hair is named Sylvestre, and he is the father of all these crazy kids.  This pictures kind of old, as you can tell me the fact that Soeur Ruaroo is in it, but the news is that this man is now a baptized member of the church and a worthy Priesthood holder, as of this weekend.  It was one of the best moments of my mission.  We found Sylvestre through his wife, Danielle, who has been a member for many years and has been praying and praying for her husband to change all the while.  One day she just stopped us at the bus stop and asked us if we could come by her house and talk to her husband about stopping smoking. She told us straight up that he didn’t want the lessons, just a little message of encouragement to maybe help him stop.  So we stopped by.  Well one little message led to another visit and another, and without every actually inviting him take the lessons, we eventually found ourselves at the baptismal font.  And I just can't tell you what a truly beautiful, rewarding experience it has been. 

Some thoughts:
-When you eat real Tahitian food, "ma'a Tahiti" as it is called, you eat it with your hands.  And some of its goopy and sticky, so you have to slurp it up from your fingers. 
- Lately I have just been thinking and thinking about hearts.  You know how you just go through phases where you think about a certain thing a lot? Right now it is hearts for me.  I love to feel my heart beating.  In the morning I eat my breakfast outside and I like to just sit there against the wall and feel it beat and think about how cool it is that my heart is pumping blood through all these thousands of little veins, and its keeping me alive.  One cycle I've discovered to be true is that the more we are in tune with the Spirit, the more fascinating everything becomes, and the more thankful we become for every single little thing.  And the more we are thankful, the more we invite the Spirit. 
- I love my family here.  I love these people.  I love them. 

I just want to say hi to Donnalou, because I know you are reading these emails.  Hello, Donna!  I love you so much!  I miss you and your jam and the smell of your cleaner!  I hope you are watching the Jazz a lot and being as lovely and delightful as ever!  I truly miss you, and I pray for you every day!  I love you!

And I love all of you.  Oh, I love you so much!  Life is beautiful!
Happy week!
Soeur Mann