Wednesday, January 2, 2013

#19 - Raw Fish, Clams, and Escargot

Hello, Dear Loved Ones!  I love you so very, very, very much!

Fam, I finally got the card you sent me in October!  Ha ha!  It did me so much good.  Seeing everyone's handwriting seriously made my day.  Thank you, thank you!

Okay, once again, I don't have much time.  I guess I better just get used to that and we will all just deal with the fact that my letters will never be quite long enough.  As far as little Tahitian things go, here is the news- guess what I ate for Christmas Eve?  Raw fish, clams, and escargot!  That's right, folks!  I'm an islander!

Heres what I really want to say to you.  These are the real, true thoughts of Sister Micail Mann.

The past two months I have been through a true refiner's fire.  There is something about being in the middle of the ocean without your family or ward or language that makes you really, really think.  (complete under exaggeration)

I am going to tell you completely and truly that I have had some really bad moments out here where I started looking, as the scriptures say, "beyond the mark."  Being out here has stripped everything I know down to the very barest bones, and I have had some moments where I've had to look long and hard at my testimony.  There is no Cami King to set an example, no institute, no FHE with the singles ward.  There is the Book of Mormon, and there is prayer, and there is my faith.  That is not to say that all my beautiful experiences growing up and strengthening my testimony disappeared, but I have had to truly think about what's inside my heart, and where my faith is.

The most important experiences I've had here are some long, long prayers inside the kitchen at night, listening to the waves and putting every ounce of energy into talking to Heavenly Father.

I just want you all to know that I know that Heavenly Father is real.  I know that the Book of Mormon is true.  Jesus Christ is our Savior.

When I say I know it's true, I'm actually saying that.  I'm actually saying that we are children of Heavenly Father, who actually lives and listen to our prayers.  These days when I pray, I take five minutes beforehand to think about that, just think about the fact that Someone is really going to listen to the words I say.  I'm not talking to the air.  

Prayer is talking with Heavenly Father.

That's what I truly want to say.  Think and think and think about that.

Life is beautiful!  It's amazing to think that this time last year, I was banging pots and pans at Court's house, shouting Happy New Year to Hyde Park.  This year I am living in Tahiti, teaching the gospel in French.  Life is beautiful!

Happy New Year!  I love you!