Monday, May 6, 2013

#38 - All Is Well

K, first of all, I LOVE YOU.  I love you all so much.  I love you more than I did yesterday, and I pray for you with all my heart every day, multiple times a day.  We're sealed together forever.

Have you ever been driving the wrong direction down a one-way street in Tahiti in the dark of the night without any idea how to get to the mission nurse's house while your companion sits in the back with a possibly broken ankle and truly been led by the Spirit to just somehow wind up at her home without any problem?  Like literally been led by the Spirit by a miracle?

I have.

P.S. Her ankle isn't broken.  Just sprained.  And it truly was a miraculous thing that we got to our nurse's house.

So, you guys are not gonna like this.  The really bad news is that I can't write you (now)... again.  We had zone conference, and now there is zippo time.  

Here is the wonderful news:  I am Skyping you on Sunday!!!  Sorry not to be too specific, but it should be around 4:00ish or 5:00.  Just gonna have to camp out, sorry I don't have a real time.  Please invite Court to come up!

So here are just the tiny updates- Soeur Colombel left for Maupiti, so it is now me and Soeur D'agnillo runnin' the area.  She is from Tooele and always wears red lipstick.  Think about how insane this is. There are two country girls from Utah in charge of this area of missionary work in Puurai, Tahiti.  Absolutely insane.  And truly wonderful!

No time at all - just know that I love you all with all my heart, and I love our Savior.  I know that because of Him, all is well.  Like that song- 'It is well with my soul"- the Savior lives and loves us, and He is never far.  All we gotta do is listen and obey and help everyone else do the same.  

So, so excited to see you next week!!!

All my love,
Soeur Mann