Thursday, August 30, 2012

#1 - The First E-mail!

The Mann Clan - August 22, 2012
Courtney and Sister Mann 
I love you, I love you, I love you!  Thank you so much for writing me!  I hope you use DearElder because it really is super easy and free for you, and it's nice for me.  You can email me on this address, but I have limited time to be on email, so it's better if you dearelder me, then I don't have to spend time reading emails when I could be writing one.  Berns, drop me a line.  I need to hear from my little Bernie Mac Attack.
I am a missionary!  I love it!  You know how sometimes we sit down at dinner and I have 8000 things to say, so I talk and talk and talk? Well right now I have about 800000 things I'd like to say.  I don't know how to even begin writing this lettter, so I'm just going to start listing stuff off:
Getting dropped off at the curb
- The MTC is an incredible place.  It's like in D&C, the scripture about "prepare ye a house, a house of learning..." all that stuff.  It really is a house of order.  I thought I would hate the rules, but the thing is that there are so many blessings here, and the Spirit is so strong, that I don't mind them.  Maybe I dont' mind them yet. :)  But really, I am learning things so fast, both spiritually and in the language area, that I'm happy to keep the rules.  I'm realizing that obedience really is faith, and faith really is love.  I will admit, the first three days here were not fun.  I actually wanted to punch everything I saw in the face.  I couldn't sleep and my heart felt like it was on a roller-coaster.  It is hard here.  It really is kinda hard.  But it is wonderful.  And I reminded myself that I came here to ride the trail, and I'm going to enjoy it.  And the miracles that are happening are worth any inconvenience or discomfort. 
- The food's awesome!  Really, I'm totally happy with it!  I eat a salad every day, and they have a different kind every time.  And I never have to cook.  What else could I ask for?
One last squeeze from Momma J.
- My companion is Soeur Barker from North Ogden- I met her on the San Fran trip.  She's great.  Imagine a character from a movie who is like the quirky girl with a bunch of nerdy guy friends that adore her.  That's her.  She's fun, and we're getting along well. The companion thing is a new adjustment (a.k.a. "very difficult").  Not because of her, but because it would be hard for anyone to go from normal life to companion 24/7.  I'm realizing why we have companions, though.  It really is inspired.  And actually, if you try and imagine doing this without a companion, it's pretty much impossible.  She shares her homemade fruit leather with me, too, so that's great. - I sleep on the top bunk.  Every morning is an adventure getting down.
Blowing goodbye kisses
- There is a tree here that smells like an orange dreamsicle. 
- In all the buildings, the halls are lined with pictures from missions all over the world, and it's SO cool!  One of my favorites is a picture of a missionary about to baptize a girl in a little hole they've cut in the ice. 
- My district has 9 people in it, most of them I knew from the trip.  5 elders, 4 soeurs.  We're all going to Tahiti at the same time, so that's really cool.  We're like a little team!  Our teacher is GREAT.  His name's Frere Lindsey, and I am so, so thankful we have him.  He's an effective teacher, and he's kind.  He only speaks to us in French. Speaking of French, I adore it.  I seriously love studying.  Like... I'm obsessed with it.  Actually the hardest part of this is slowing down because all I want to do is study.  And the reason is that we're learning fast!  Like really fast!  The gift of tongues is real, and we're getting so much help, and all I want to do is learn to speak French immediately! :) 
- Listened to a life-changing talk by Elder Bednar.  They showed it on Sunday night.  It's a talk he gave here a few Christmases ago.  Literally life-changing.  He talked about being converted to Christ, not just having a testimony.  I only have 5 minutes left, I wish I could tell you all about it.  It was beautiful.
L'eglise de Jesus-Christ est vrai, et le moyen a retourner a notre Pere Celeste.  J'aime l'evangile!  Jesus-Christ est notre Redempteur.  La vie est tres, tres bonne! 

Love, Soeur Mann

We love our missionary. :)